Get more listings and become Nashville's "Go-To" agent!
Staging Consultations and Occupied Home Staging Services that sets agents and their listings apart from the competition.
Appeal to more buyers
Stage using the homeowner's
furniture & accessories
Sell for more money
Every home should look its best when it's on the market.
But there's a problem...
A well-decorated home is not always a well-staged home.
It's hard to look at a home through the eyes of a buyer.
You only have one chance to make a good first impression.
Selling a home can be stressful and overwhelming.
You're busy and you can't do it alone!
Intentional Interiors Home Staging & Design specializes in staging owner-occupied listings by using items already in the home to give it a refreshed look that buyers will love. As a trained and certified expert-level Staging Design Professional (SDP™), we will become your strategic partner, implementing our expertise in marketing and design to transform your listing into a place buyers will want to call "home."
My name is Melpo, and I am The Nashville Stager and owner of Intentional Interiors Home Staging & Design.
Getting owner-occupied listings ready for market may seem like a daunting task, but with my help, it doesn't have to be.
My heart breaks when I see listings that could have benefitted from the power of professional staging. Investing in my expertise is simply a no-brainer.
The method is proven. The ROI can't be beat. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get together and get that house SOLD!

RESA - Greater Nashville Chapter
Starting at $100/hr
Whether you need help selecting furnishings, accessories, paint colors and finishes, or you're an investor flipping properties and want to stand out from the competition, we will bring your vision to life.
Our design services are also perfect for short-term rentals!
Our easy process gives you quick access to our expert staging services
that will take the guess work out of making your home look its best for market.